Thursday, June 09, 2011


Greetings all.  Time seems to be flying and summer is in full swing.  The kids all seem to be experiencing growing pains and I am having a hard time with change.  Z is now a high school graduate, has a car, job and is soon moving out on his own.  B is finishing up her freshman year of high school and just brought home some kid claiming he is her boyfriend!  Come fall we will be moving the twins out of the nursery and into SEPARATE rooms!  Yikes, what happened to my babies?  There is no going back and I am about tore up trying to move forward.  No one ever told me that loving my kids would hurt like this.  I sob inconsolably when I am forced to leave my oldest after a visit, but I guess that I thought it was some weird anomaly.  Guess not.  The only constant is my knitting.  I have been knitting hats like there is a demon after me (maybe my own personal one).  I love to give them away as gifts, as my friends can attest - LOL  Pretty soon all my friends will be sporting very dapper 'chapoues'.  LOL 

Blessings, Beth Ann

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