Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

Yesterday was a wonderful day!  It started by the three kids getting up before us, of course, and cleaning/taking care of the animals, before coming up-stairs to wake us.  We were already awake as we heard them 'cleaning' - LOL But we were grateful nonetheless : )  Then Zach, in his jammies, picked up Colleen (in her jammies too) and headed over with biscuits and Krispy Kreams.  Then they headed over to walk the clinic dogs and met us at FB church for services and the Lords super.  That was probably the best part of my day, all four of my kids with me at church on Christmas day.

Took many pic's but here are my top five in random order:

Twin son received 'plants vs. zombies' from his big bro.  Now I will never get near my computer again!  Good thing I received an etablet : )

Colleen and Bre with their  Christmas snuggies!

Chocolate peppermint  cookies for Santa!

Our tree with the yule log on the t.v. - LOL

I get this pic every year, Bre helping the twins decorate sugar cookies for the big guy, and he (Knute) shares them with Santa!  LOL - ROFL  Oh, tear in my eye, LOL  I kill myself : )

Other favorites were some major bling I received, a new stereo for up-stairs, UNO-Robot, a Go-bible and watching my kids play with their stuff and eating candy.  Which reminds me, twice now on doxin Smokey has gotten into the Christmas chocolate, apparently he has a thing for butterfingers and peanut butter cups!  So then at 4 a.m. this morning he had the , pardon me here for my crudeness, Hershey squirts!  Praise the Lord for a husband who got up and took him out so I could stay snuggled in front of our electric fireplace up-stairs : )  I love that man!  Lesson learned?  Doxins are as devious as they are cute and hide candy not only from children, spouse and ferret, but doxin as well!  LOL

Blessings, Beth Ann

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Angles Aware

Last Sunday was the third Sunday of Advent.  The candle of Joy was lit and it also brought forth the children and their Christmas Pageant.  This year we are attending First Baptist and so the children joined in, with much preparation and enthusiasm.  It was a glorious day and my oldest son with his girlfriend were able to attend.  The twins faces lit up upon seeing their big bro : )    Please allow me a couple of minutes to brag on my children and the fine church that has greeted us with open arms and no questions asked.  Here are the highlights:

They have done this before : )  I love the fact that this church is soooo organized!  Look up in the upper left hand corner, and how they are hanging the stars in Heaven, how cleaver!  I also like the simplicity of the stairway to Heaven and the colored lighted curtain, which will turn red when Moses appears.  There was also a fog machine for the angles : )

Here we are with the ten commandments.

Here is my little angle, Elysha, down front with her new glasses and wings : )

Group shot on the stairway to Heaven.

Check out Elijah's big grin and wings!

These children started practicing over six months ago.  They were so enthusiastic and eager to please.  So simple.  Such a blessing to us adults who make things harder than need be and forget the simple things.  Children are truly God's biggest blessing to us all, that is why he sent his only son.  Remember the season

Blessings, Beth Ann

Monday, November 14, 2011

Prayer and listening

I know some of you are going to think this is about a dog, but I hope most of you don't.  I want to share with you another faith moment, and they always seem to happen about the time I say "I didn't see that coming"; LOL.  let me start by saying that for the past eight years or so I have wanted to have my own store, be my own boss, but it has NEVER been blessed by God.  At one point while praying on it I even heard God ask me, "for who's glory would it be?".    Now if you asked me if I liked kids or animals I would shrug and say, eh so-so.  Those of you who know me well will find that hysterical as I always seem to have a house full of both and only half are mine.  No matter how I run or how I make choices to the contrary, I always end up with what I will call rescue kids and animals.  I am starting to see a pattern here : )  I believe this goes with 'God's plans for me'.  I am very good at it, and I have embraced being a Proverbs 31 women, to the max!  Well once again it hit me, I needed to do something, but what?  For some reason I started combing 'Craigslist', not sure what I was looking for.  Then I had narrowed it down to the 'pet' listings, and let me tell you I was appalled at what I found.  I had never even heard of 'dog flipping' before.  It makes me sick that so many people are trying to make a buck on 'rehoming' their 'friend'.  Then I started hanging around a dachshund rescue site, I love doxies!  I thought maybe I could foster, rescue or even volunteer there.  They too wanted money, even to volunteer!  Meanwhile I kept praying, talking to my hubby and looking to see what I could do.  Well as of yesterday it all seemed to fall into place, even our church service seemed to touch on my issue of leading by example and being a blessing to others.  I took a deep breath and posted on 'Craigslist' that I would do local doxin rescue but would not pay anyone to help their animal.  Afew folks emailed but they weren't getting it either, they wanted cute puppies.  I want to help local doxies, doesn't matter age, sex handicapped or not. Well I happened across an add for free doxie in neighboring city.  I had seen the add a couple days before, but was out of town.  I took a deep breath for courage and called.  On the end of the other phone was a very overwhelmed woman who needed my help.  By the end of the call I found out that I knew her daughter who lived here locally by me, and had even helped her with a pet before!  By the end of the evening I had taken in a very sweet new friend, found a home for my son's ferrets and had invited another 'rescue' kid and her sister to church with me.  When I went to bed I lay there stunned.  It hit me, maybe this wasn't so much about the dogs or even me, maybe God had used me and my skill with animals and children to help two families.  Wow. I still believe that God has commanded my family to have a pet ministry, but I also have to see the bigger picture.  There are real people on the other end of those leashes and maybe I can help them too!

Here is our new friend Smokey, even though his papers list him as Sir Scooter.

Smokey looking at my hubby.

Smokey keeping dd company as she does school work.

Blessings, Beth Ann

Monday, November 07, 2011

A day in the life of Oliver the cat ~

I have mentioned our newest rescue cat, Oliver, several times.  He has settled in and is currently un-injured and gaining weight.  I believe his middle name is trouble but like any other cat, does spend 20 hours a day sleeping.  Here is a glimpse of his daily schedule:

9 a.m. = morning nap in Miss Beth's craft basket

11 a.m. = mid-morning nap in the craft basket

2 p.m. = nap in the craft basket, but take time to stretch and use window sill as pillow

4 p.m. = take a break to play video games

7 p.m. = waiting in the craft basket for someone to go to bed so he can join them!  LOL

All of God's creatures are a blessing, including cats.  Beth Ann

Friday, November 04, 2011

Halloween visited and Turkeys bought

Today I bought my Thanksgiving turkey - whoot, whoot!  LOL  The holidays are in full swing now baby.  I found a great price at the local Piggly Wiggly, 89 cents a pound.   I also found some other great sale items there and at the other local Bi-Rite store.  Buying marked down seems to be about the only way I can stay on budget anymore.  Seems like even processed and packaged food is now costing the same if not more than fresh.  So I try to grab the marked down burger vs. the packaged burritos for lunches.  I feel so blessed that not only am I home to cook for my family I also know what to do with raw ingredients : )

Enough about money and budgeting.  Here are a few Halloween pic's to share.

This is a car load of hippies that followed me over to my friend's house - LOL   No really it is Bre with her friends

You all have heard me talk of the kids I watched before they moved back to Mexico, well I was blessed to have the oldest come visit me during Halloween.  Little Gabe, such a joker - LOL

Me and a few friends handed out candy here in town, where they close the roads for a huge block party.  This is the third year I have done it and seeing all those cute kids makes up for the run over feeling I have afterwords : )  We get about  1200 kids , yeah, I know!

It was another amazing October, my favorite month and now I am looking forward to Thanksgiving; already have a dozen folks lined up here to join me!  We are soooooo blessed!

Blessings, Beth

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pet Halloween Parade

Today was the second annual Halloween pet costume parade at the local animal clinic, where my oldest son just happens to work : )  The kids were so excited, they had such a good time last year and they had a good time this year as well.  Twice as many folks showed up, word must be getting out : )  We didn't win but every kid got a candy bag and every pet got a goody bag, what more can you ask for on such a pretty fall day? 

Here are the twins, Eli went as a pirate and took Howard with him and Ely is a cat (black and white like her cat at home) but her cat couldn't be caught in time to go : ( 

Here is Howard the Pirate dog, his shirt says 'Shiver me timbers and rub me belly'.  LOL

Bre took Hobb the ferret and they both were dressed up like hippies.  I was surprised they didn't place at all.

Well that was the first of many Halloween festivities this week-end.  With Monday being the actual day, it seems like all week-end is one long Halloween party!  Next, heading over to the Church of Christ for Trunk or Treating.  Good times, good times.

Blessings, Beth Ann

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Aztec Chicken

Hey all.  I just wanted to share this slow cooker recipe I made for dinner tonight.  It was soooooo good!  Even the twins ate and had seconds : )

Aztec Chicken

1 can black beans
16 oz. frozen corn
16 oz. chunky salsa
4 boneless/skinless chicken breast
8 oz. cream cheese, cubed

1.  Combine beans, corn and half of salsa in slow cooker.
2.  Arrange chicken over top.  Pour remaining salsa over top of chicken.
3.  Cover.  Cook on high 2-3 hours or on low 4-6 hours.
4.  Shred chicken in pot, using a fork and knife
5.  Stir in cream cheese and cook until melted

Serves 6

I served mine over corn chips for the kids, but it is also great over brown rice.  Feel free to add more seasoning to make it hotter to your taste.  I used some frozen 15 bean I had left from a recipe, in place of the black and it was wonderful. 

Happy fall ya' ll and blessings, Beth Ann

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Never 'boo' late

Not sure why it took me so long to post these pic's but here are the kids with their pumpkins from last Saturday's p. patch/hay ride trip.

Welcome to my front door : )

None of the kids like to carve their pumpkins or get their hands in the 'guts'.  So I picked up some cut felt cut-outs from the Dollar General Market - love that place.  So after church last Sunday  we got to it!

Elysha made a cat and seems to be hiding behind something, huh (shrug).  Check out her missing tooth!

Here is Miss Halie with her creepy guy : )

And Miss Mika chose a bat face for hers.

Elijah went with a silly pumpkin, just like him : )

Boo-tiful Bre made a vamp pumpkin, of course right?  LOL

Last stop is my back door.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out our pumpkins.  Come back soon and stay for some coffee or green tea, and be sure to share your pumpkins with us too!

Blessings, Beth Ann

Friday, October 21, 2011

"Cat"ch up

Hi all, just doing a little 'cat'ch up  - LOL  I know!  Too funny : )  I wanted to share this pic of our cat Oliver, who's tongue seems to fall out of his mouth every time he is relaxed.  I know!  How odd!  LOL  This pic was taken on my desk and he is curled in a ball with his head upside down. 

Oliver also seems to have a penchant for getting hurt every time he goes outside.  I know!  How annoying and expensive : (    He has hurt himself 3 times in six weeks and we have only had him like 3 months!  We are under orders from our vet and our son (the vet tech) to never let him out again.  Do you know how hard that is when he wants to go out?  Frankly K and I were hopping he just wouldn't come back when we let him out.  No such luck.   This time he has a wound in his chest, son tells us to keep it clean and free of hair.  ???  Excuse me?  The cat is like made of 100% hair!!!!  Sigh.

In other news; B is off on her first week-end from home trip and K has the week=end off.  If it weren't for those pesky twins . . . LOL  Seriously, I am soooo excited for Bre and know she will have a great time in Gaitlinburg with the youth group from FBC.    In November it will be my turn for a get-away with the FBC ladies.  Now I just need a get-away with my hubby.  Camping?

Blessings, Beth Ann

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bunny love

Well I meant to post this a couple days ago but you know how life gets in the way.  On Wed. one of our rescue rabbits passed away, always a sad thing but also a time to teach the children.

Here is Bre with Di Vinci right after we received him.  He had a long life and will be missed.

We have managed to place all my son's animals, it's a God thing, and we haven't replenished except for a cat (that's a husband thing).  We are down to just our two handicapped dogs, Howard my mini red doxin and Levi, my husbands pit bull.  They both have spinal issues and can't feel their hind ends, but have taught themselves to be 'spinal walkers' as the vet calls it.  Here are a couple new pic's of Levi:

This is my husbands favorite blue chair, and his dogs too : )

It's even better when the sun comes out from behind a cloud! LOL

And just in case your worried that only one of our chairs is being covered in dog hair . . .   the sofa is also fair game and it looks like he jacked the pillow as well!

With a few less animals life around here is a bit less like a zoo and a little more like . . . a circus!  Can you hear the calliope ?

Blessings, Beth Ann

Saturday, October 08, 2011


Every year we go to the best pumpkin patch in the world!  We have gone every year since we moved down here, so ten long years and the twins haven't missed a one : )  The kids look forward to it so much!  Twin son starts a count down weeks, heck, months in advance.  Since oldest son isn't living home I was surprised, and excited, when he announced that he was joining us too.  He has called home three times in the past week to confirm the time and date LOL.  We will be adventuring there a week from today, which also happens to be my birthday.  We didn't plan it that way, just happened and we go different times every year.  Well twin son was doing his count down out loud and when I mentioned it was also my b-day, he paused, looked at me and exclaimed; 'you are the luckiest mommy in the whole world, you were born on pumpkin patch day'!  There you go, 'nough said.  I AM the luckiest mommy in the whole world!

Blessings, Beth Ann

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Curry in a hurry ~

Whats for dinner?  The ten million dollar question, every night!  LOL  Tonight I am making one of my hubby's fave's, since he is feeling so poorly; curry.  Thought I would share the recipe, let me know what you think.

Beef Curry:
1 lb. beef sirloin or roast, diced
1 c. beef broth
1 Tbs. curry powder
1 Granny Smith apple, peeled and diced
1 cup dried cranberries
1/2 tsp.. ground allspice
Quick cooking brown rice
frozen broccoli

First; start steaming the frozen broccoli for 20 min.  Next, In large skillet add beef, broth, apple and curry powder, allspice and cranberries.  Bring to boil and then simmer for 10 minutes. 

Now make rice per package directions.

Just before serving; fluff rice and drain broccoli.

Serve Beef Curry over rice and broccoli.  You may garnish with shredded coconut, sour cream or plain yogurt.

Blessings, Beth Ann

Wednesday, October 05, 2011


Been some time since I have given an knitting update.  I have finished many hats and some bags on commission as well.  Got so busy I forgot to take pic's : )  Here is a look at some recent items and what I am working on now:

Sometimes I walk past my yarn stash and see two colors next to each other and . . . wham, an idea is born.  Here is a scarf created from just that sort of event.

I call this my green rag
Russian tea scarf.

This too was born from colors just lying around LOL.  Standard blue, red sparkle and white mohair.

When I finish this will be a bag, my Red, White and Blue bag : )

Last but not least, starting a new pair of socks.  Hand made knitted socks are like sleeping bags for my feet.  Great for winter.

I am still working on Bre's Hufflepuff scarf, been working on it for like 9 months now : (  I keep stopping to do paid work, and now I am out of yarn ~ double : (  I do vow to finish by the end of this year however!

Blessings, Beth Ann

Tuesday, October 04, 2011


I mentioned awhile back that a new cat adopted us and looked exactly like the last one, except for a black nose.  Chester (formerly known as Nala) with a white nose, moved in last fall.  Oliver, with the black nose, showed up about 2 months ago but appears to be the same age as Chester.  Makes us wonder if they were litter mates and if so where has he been?

When we took Oliver to the vet we learned he was already neutered.  Curiouser and curiouser.

Here they both are on twin dd bed, she has laid claim to them and they seem ok with that.

Here is Oliver sleeping on the sofa, goofy cat.  Well I guess his brother is too . . .

Remember this silly pic of Chester sleeping on the oven?  LOL 

We have a few less dogs with Z not living home, but we still seem to be running a pet ministry.  Somethings never change.
Blessings, Beth Ann

Monday, October 03, 2011

Back in the saddle again! or Happy Birthday Bre!

I'm back and I intend to do better with blogging.  It was a long HOT summer with not to much going on.  A few things were too personal to share, but you know how it goes : )  My oldest son (18) graduated and is now working full time at the animal clinic.  He just bought a new car and is saving money for school.   The twins are 7 1/2 and will start 2nd. grade the first of the year.  My middle dd just started 10th grade and turned 15 yesterday!  Oh, and during my hiatus my oldest dd turned 27!  This is getting sticky since I am only 29 LOL  I also want to send a shout out to my mom who is 'mmmmm' today!  LOL  Happy Birthday mom : )

Here is the birthday girl.  We took all our kids and there friends roller skating Sat.  Sssssh.  Don't tell anyone we had 9 in the car and only 7 seat belts!

Here is B with little sis E right behind her.  Sorry so blurry, but these kids were moving LOL

Son E was not enamoured of this but let big bro Z take him around a few times.

It was a great day and the kids had a wonderful time.  It was the first time the twins had ever been on skates, but it won't be the last according to them : )
The fun didn't stop there.  Back to our house for pizza, cake and ice cream (choc. chip cookie dough).  Then one of the ladies from church took the older girls out to the movies.  They saw the new christian movie, 'Couragous'.  Then they hit Sonic on the way home for milk shakes.  B said it was an excellent movie and an excellent birthday.

Blessings, Beth Ann