Thursday, July 07, 2011

Wet & Wild

Remember those old yellow 'slip n' slides' from when we kids?  My hubby surprised us by bringing home a new version last week, for the kids to cool off with.  It was much appreciated with the temps. always hoovering in the high 90's with a heat index of 100 or more. 
Well the kids had a blast and I thought I would share some pic's with you : )

Here is twin dd getting the hang of it.

Next is big sis giving it a go!

Here comes twin son, watch out!

Even big sis bff got into the act - LOL

Group hug, and lots of smiles : )

Need a towel?  How about one with cat hair?  This is our 4 yr. old Tom, Joe Cat.

A good time was had by all but I feel the need to add this warning:  beware while doing this on a freshly mowed lawn!  I didn't have a good time getting the grass out of my tube, out of my sink, off my floor, off my kids . . .  you get the idea - LOL

Blessings, Beth Ann

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