Thursday, January 31, 2008

Middle of the week baking

Greetings all. Hope everyone is enjoying the last week of January. Can you believe it? Only 330 days to Christmas! That is only 24 pay days for my DH. Now I'm scared !!!

Today I made my awsome Coconut-dat logs. It is a recipe from my Hallellujah Acres cook book called, "Recipes for life...from God's Garden" by Rhonda J. Malkmus. If your not familuar with this lifestyle, it is basicly a 85/15 percentage eating style of mostly raw food. You eat 85% whole, natural, uncooked foods and 15% cooked whole grain and vegetarian foods a day. That breaks down to only eating one cooked meal a day. I don't follow this all the time, but they have great recipes and ideas. So with that in mind this is one delicous and healty snack for the family.

Coconut-Date Logs

2 cups organic dates

1 cup unsweetened, shredded coconut

In a food processor using "S" blade, grind dates until a dough like consistency is reached. Wet your hands, shape into logs, and roll in coconut to cover.

Makes about 1 dozen, 2-inch logs

Yesterday I made my world famous crockpot applesauce. I originated this recipe many moons ago, when my oldest dd (who is now 23 and has a child of her own) would go trick or treating on Halloween and returned home with apples. Being the uptight, controling, nervous nilly I am; I wouldn't let her eat the apples for fear of the dreaded "razor blade" in the apple urban folk lore. So, also being a frugal tight wade (Isn't it great to be multifacited or is that multiple personalites?) I didn't want to waste the apples. So peeling, coring, slicing them and cooking them down was the perfect solution! No way any forgin objects were going to get past my eyes ~ LOL We have long since relocated to a different state and now frequant cake walk friendly Fall Harvest Parties, but the "wickedly amazing"(to quote my ds) recipe lives on for any apples going to turn bad. Getting a visual here of apples wearing bandanas over their faces, holding up banks. Get it, apples gone bad ~ LOL Am I the only one laughing?

Beth's crockpot applesauce

8 apples, cored, peeled and chopped

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1 cup water

Combine all ingredients in cooker. Cook on low about 8 hours.

Leave as is for awsome pancake topping or put through food processor "S" blade to desired consistancy after it has cooled.

makes about 2 cups or 4 half cup servings

We don't do the digital camera thing yet or I would include photos for you. But I am picking up a new camera this week end (have them developed onto disk) and as I make things I will take photos and add them to this blog. Better late than never ? Last Saturday I made bagels for the first time and was quit pleased with my results. They were just as yummy as any store bought, maybe even better according to my DH :) Again, a little time consuming but I found a bread machine recipe so the bulk of it was waiting for the dough in the machine. I will deffinetly be making these again. My son is just in love with them and is my best kitchen helper. He always encourages my cooking endevours, best way for mom to make more stuff to eat as he grazes all day every day, totaling about 9 meals a day. Here is the orginal bagel recipe .

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