Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Another home school moment

Today was mostly nice and we took advantage of it by eating lunch out on our screened in porch. While DH was laying the twins down for their nap, I started sorting through all the home school curriculum catalogs I picked up in Cincinnati. I need to get their fall 2008 item ready to order soon. It was wonderful and quiet out on the back porch, ps kids not home, adults at work, no one mowing the grass and no one for the dogs to bark at! Pretty soon my dd brought out her school work to keep me company, and then Howard the handicap mini doxin insisted on being with us too! Just another perk of being a home schooler. Just as a side note, ds has been at animal clinic last two days, that is why he is not mentioned or pictured ~ LOL It is considered his biology lab and when he turns 16 and they pay him, it will be considered an apprenticeship. I tell you, that kid is on the right track. I am so proud of him. Four years ago, before we started home schooling, I was very concerned about him. Now I know that Gods plan is for us as parents to teach our children. I have seen miracles in my own. What is considered troublesome in ps is actually a sign that my son had an above average IQ and was board. It tells us in the bible, over and over, that we are to train up our own children, not send them away. Truthfully, who other than their own parents know them and their needs?

Blessings, Beth Ann

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