Monday, March 15, 2010

I Believe . . .

Isn't this sign to cute? I couldn't resist snagging it from and sharing it with you : )
Finished a few projects to share with you and I refuse to apologize for my poor camera taking talent anymore. You know it stinks. I know it stinks. So, since I refuse to stop taking pics of my latest creations; we will just leave it to good faith from now on that all my pics are bad and my stuff looks wayyyyy better in person! Good? Good! LOL

This is a self felting eyelash yarn I used to make this cute purse

I was pleased to have enough to make two purses, love the almost hounds tooth pattern it made : )

Twins! I tell them apart by their belly buttons ~ LOL

This is a pink baby bib with gold metallic flecks in it, and a pearlized button to secure one of the three button holes I made. This bib grows with your baby!

Made a matching washcloth too. I think I have more of this some where, so most likely will also make a matching burp cloth as well. Will make an awesome gift, but I still have no clue what grand baby number two will be : P
In other news, most of the sick kids are back on the road to recovery. Big son Z is still a bit yucky, but he has been since about Feb. of 2009. I believe most of his complaints could be better controlled with diet, but he just isn't interested in that. His girlfriend is much the same way. She is a cancer survivor and she to has chronic illness. Her doc has also lectured her on a better diet as well. She is a little worse off than Z, as she has lost her gallbladder already and had limited kidney function as well as colon issues (she had colon cancer). Frankly I believe they are a perfect match! : ) Kids, what ya going to do with them? That's right, hold them tight, love them and smack them upside the head when they don't listen to their ma! LOL
Yesterday we tried a new church, always a interesting if not nerve wracking event! It was up by Nashville and our friend was preaching. They were pretty excited to have us (they have been asking for over a year) and everyone there was friendly and gracious. It is a family integrated church and made up predominantly of home school families. The service its self reminded me more of the Lutheran services of my youth, but just enough less formal to make it enjoyable. We all had a great time and hope to visit again soon.
Blessings, Beth Ann

1 comment:

Butterfly Girl said...

i like your twin purses :) Glad you had a good experience visiting church and friend. :) -blessings,Kay