Friday, January 29, 2010

Snowing ~ again

So, OK, I have a guest photographer again and then some : ) As soon as the snow hit my middle dd ran outside with the camera. Then hubby took some pic's of the kids. Seems like snow is the great equalizer of kids and adults alike when it comes to fun. This is the most snow I have ever seen in the 8 years we have lived in middle TN. The kids love it!

Here is B with here annual snowball . . .

She is on her way inside to turn her snowball blue (shurg . . . I don't know why either).

B made this snow angel with in an hour of the snow starting. Looks like we are going to get some accumulation this time.

Here is a view of the road in front of our house (believe it or not there is a farm at the end of this road ~ can we say 'rural'?)

The bush across the street (I just report here)

Um, our neighbors house with his cat, Buddha-kitty, on the front porch. His other cat, Fat-face, is hiding under the chair.

Bird feeder outside my kitchen window. Can you see the snow falling?

Our screened in back deck looking out into the backyard

Pool cover is now full of . . . sludge?

The playground in our backyard

Hubby's camero. He took my Durango to work as the Sheriff Dept. is advising that only vehicles with 4x4 be out on the roads.

All four kids making a snow fort.
Blessings, Beth Ann

1 comment:

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Enjoy your snow, we have plenty