Wednesday, February 10, 2010


It's another cold one here in middle TN, and I have just a couple of updates to share. First up is Grandma Sandy. We were hoping she would be released Sunday or Monday this week, but she suffered a set back on Sunday. She is still currently in the hospital and her release is contingent on getting some therapy started. Right now she is so weak that she is having trouble sitting up. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

Next up, I finished another eyelash scarf : ) This one I gave to dd B, even though it is my favorite by far. I am still waiting for some tax money so I can stock up on yarn and get some projects done for craft shows or the antique mall. While I'm waiting though, I am making myself an envelope purse, featuring the fleck stitch. It is in a bronze color and I like it much! Here are a couple photos of the last scarf:

This pic doesn't do the yarn justice. Not only are there eyelashes,but threads of metallic gold shot through as well.

Here is dd B showing off finished scarf (and her school book)

Guess it was to early in the morning for B to have mom snapping her pic : )

So OK, win some you lose some. We lost the dog Izzy but gained the dog Zoey - LOL Izzy, the doxin-beagle mix left about a month ago. I guess our house was a little to . . . 'crazy' (?) for her. She went to live with another one of the animal clinic workers, who has more room to run and less people around. She is reported to be doing swell.
I feel Izzy was 'normal' for us, and that is why she didn't fit in. As you all know we have a handicapped animal ministry and that is where Zoey comes in. Zoey is some kind of Boston Terrier/mini whippet mix, she was brought to the clinic with a prolapsed rectum (her pooper shoot fell out). For what ever reason her owners abandoned her and she became a ward of the court. Yes, you have to take the animals to court to get them declared abandoned. So six months later and with her . . . uhm, rectum sewn in, she came home with ds. ; I can't belive it, but no one wanted her and my son had bonded with her. I guess she is my first grand-dog : ) (Someday I swear we will have a normal pet!)

>My PAN>grand dog ~ ZOEY

ONG>Here is Zoey on ds lap, helping him with school work : )

<DIV>Ds Z is now putting in like 32 hours a week at the animal clinic. He is pretty excited and still keeping up on his school work - praise the Lord! This fall he will be a senior and will have a pretty light load as he already has all but 4 of his credits to graduate (collage prep), so should work out well and aford him the opportunity to put some money away for collage. He is looking at going to MTSU, which is only 2o minutes away. That way he can still live at home and keep his job, while doing the collage thing. I am so proud of that boy! Can you tell - LOL

Blessings, Beth Ann

1 comment:

Amy said...

Love Zoey's ears.