Sunday, August 24, 2008

Stitching Sunday

Greetings friends. Just settling in with a cup of coffee as I get ready to do computer time. As we were leaving church this afternoon, a nice gentle rain started to fall! Praise the Lord! Been soo long here with no rain. Not as bad as last year, but still . . . Church ran over today as we had a luncheon after service to send off our interim Pastor. So once again, after 15 months, our little church is adrift. Please pray for our church. We have been searching all these months for a new Pastor. Looks like it is down to two people. Pray for our leadership and growth. As Pastor S was preaching to day, he shared with us this quote he found; "God may take away the worker, but not the work". I found that very affirmative. In our text, He took our former Pastor to South Korea, but there is still work to be done in our little church in middle TN. The scripture he shared with us had to do with Joshua 1:1-10. Even though Moses was dead and gone, there was still work for Joshua and the Israelites to do. Hmmm . . . Just some food for thought.

Been a very crazy couple weeks here and they are picking up speed! Two days until we leave for MI and 5 days until dd wedding! Yikes. But I know God and all our friends here in Mayberry will be with us. I can't even begin to share with you the pouring out of goodwill we have experienced here as we shared our story of stepping out in faith to go 16 hours north (that is with no stops) and no funds available to us. Everyone we asked to pray for us has agreed immediately (even a co-workers of DH that is a Masonic). I just wanted to make it clear, no one has just given us a wad of cash and poof - our troubles were over. But the joy in our hearts is plentiful. I can't wait to share with you all when I get back the rest of this story. Not to mention plenty of pictures - LOL

Here on stitching Sunday I wanted to share an older piece with you. Fifteen years old to be exact. I stitched this when my oldest ds was only a couple weeks old. It is another sampler and says "welcome friends" at the top. Sorry the picture is so foggy. Ever take a pic and think it is fine until you go to use it? Grrr. This piece has resided in three different homes and two different states. I loved the coloring of the ginger cat and the pastel boarder. Every time I see it, it brings a smile and a memory to my face. Isn't that what stitching is about, creating memories?

Share some of your crafty memories today.

Blessings, Beth Ann

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love rainy days! I really, really do!! We've been fortunate this year in that we only had one small dry spell. It's been a very atypical summer in eastern PA!

I can't wait to hear the whole story and see the pics when you return. Happy traveling!! :) God bless and keep you all safe.