Monday, November 10, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Hi y'all, hope everyone is staying warm. The mornings are crisp here, the days remind me of spring in MI, short weather - LOL
Well I shared my exciting finds of new recipe/food sites yesterday, so all that's left is to share this weeks menu plan. After reading the $5 dinner blog I took a closer look at my meals, and I need to do better. I know there are more people in my house, but I don't have more money. I thought by having some meatless meals I would save money - no. Dairy prices are thought the roof! Since I am shopping this week for the next two weeks, I am going to spend the next couple days prepping by calculating meal cost and seeing if I can do better. Although I maintain that food is not my biggest expense, it is all the paper/toiletries ect. Even items like new socks and underwear seem to come from my grocery budget. So, will see if I can cut anymore corners (already cut like 5, how many more are there?).
Here is our dinner menu for this week -
Monday: Beef Stroganoff on noodles w/ broccoli
Tuesday: Sesame chicken wings w/ cabbage wedges and corn bread
Wednesday: Church/mom's night off
Thursday: Sloppy Joe w/baked fries and coleslaw
Friday: Ham and Potato casserole w/green beans and spicy oat muffins
Saturday: Home made pizza w/ tossed salad
Sunday: Italian pinto beans w/garlic bread and mixed veggies
For more menu plan Monday visit
Whats for dinner at your home this week?
Blessings, Beth Ann


gin said...

hi, enjoyed your blog. good menu. I'm a lot like you. We live 22 miles from civilization with stores and shopping. So I stop at Piggly Wiggly on my way home from work to every couple weeks to do grocery shopping. It's convenient and I know where everything is, so it make for a quick grocery stop and shop. I don't really like to grocery shop!!

B. said...

Have you tried beans for dinner? You can make a big pot of red beans, add a little meat for flavor and serve over rice. Very in-expensive.

I know Tenn. is just beautiful right now in this crisp fall weather

Anonymous said...

We're in sync... I made stroganoff for dinner last night also. Too funny! :)