Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dinner this week

Another week has gone by and we are left to face this insurmountable question again . . . "Whats for dinner?"

Here at our home stead I always plan ahead, at least every two weeks as that is how we shop. I really enjoy shopping only twice a month, but sometimes I don't feel like cooking, like this week, and we have to slap stuff together. This past 3-4 days four of the six of us have come down with a cough/cold thing and mom feels to yucky to cook. So when shopping make sure you always have enough stuff on had to slap together . . . grilled cheese, french bread pizza, quesadillas, pancakes ~ you get the idea. Hoping to feel better soon and feel like cooking again, the kids hope so too ~ LOL With that, here is whats for dinner at our house this week:

Saturday: French Bread Pizza w/salad and pound cake

Sunday: Corn Chowder w/ garlic bread

Monday: Vegetable paprika w/salad

Tuesday: Blue coleslaw w/Salisbury steak & baked potato

Wednesday: Chicken Burritos w/salad ( still having bible study but cooks taking the summer off )

Thursday: Sesame chicken wings w/ South African yellow rice & steamed cabbage and carrots ( rice is a project for middle dd history unit study on Africa)

Friday: Chicken Alfredo w/steamed broccoli and garlic bread stixs

Whats for dinner at your house?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need a good corn chowder recipe. I'd love if you'd email your recipe to me. :) My email address is on the sidebar of my blog via an "Email Me" link.