Saturday, March 22, 2008

Menus for this coming week 3/22 ~ 3/28

Greetings on this beatiful spring day, sunny and 60 here. Hope where you are, you are enjoying a blessed holiday week-end.

Meals this week are a bit less structured as I am still using up freezer items and at the end of the week I am leaving for 4 days. I am heading off to Cincinati, Ohio, to a home school convention. Myself, my dd, my bff and her 2 dd are heading off for this learning "girls day out" adventure. So we will be leaving dh, ds and twins home alone - - ahg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Keep them in your prayers.

Whats for dinner this week ~

Sat: Pizza w/salad

Sun: Easter ~ Honey glazed ham, crockpot green bean casserole, mashed potatoes w/gravy. Pickles and olives w/deviled eggs. Apple Pie.

Mon: Leftovers!!!!!!! Yea :)

Tue: Crockpot meatloaf w/ glazed pearl onions and carrots

Wed: Church/mom's night off

Thur: (mom gone ~ dad cooking) Taco salad

Friday: (mom gone~ dad cooking) Hamburgers w/fries and veggie stixs

Other cooking this week is mostly for my trip. We are taking several coolers with us, so we won't have to eat at expensive reasturants and we have healthy snack options. There is an ice machine at the Best Western as well as a mini frige in our room. Wonder about a coffee pot............

Cooking for the trip, two batches of home made graham crackers. Double batch of home made hummus. Home made trail mix and ranch dressing. I did purchase whole wheat sprouted tortilla shells, guacamole and nut butter to take as well. Will dip cut up veggies in guac, and hummus. Will spread nut butter w/ no sugar fruit spread on tortillas. Also planning on taking a couple of dozen hard boiled eggs as well as apples, oranges and bananas.

Cooking for the house will be light, bread, apple sauce, crutons and home made salad dressings.

Blessings, Beth Ann

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